Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reaction to "Those crazy ideas" by Isaac Asimov.

Crazy ideas are all over the place, you are at the most amazing place or situation and they strike you in just a nano second. This brilliant ideas or crazy ideas, sometimes, are the conclusion of a combination of things that we have in our lives; as Isaac Asimov says you need five key characteristics to be able to create this type of ideas or at least be able to notice that you can create them. The first characteristic that Isaac says we have to have is that we have to be well educated, meaning that "the creative person posses as many "bits" of information as possible". Mr. Asimov uses the word “bits” as a collection of information, facts or individual pieces of data. The second characteristic that he presents is that the creative person should be intelligent meaning that the person should be able to combine all bits in an organized and logical way. This lets the person to acquire as much information as he can and store it in an organized way. The third characteristic is that the creative person should be intuitive so he should be able to see things that others cannot see and making that noticeable faster than any other person in the world. The fourth and for me the most important characteristic that a person should have to be a creative person and be able to made up with brilliant ideas is to be courageous, that is being brave and take an action on what ever you believe in and proving that you can do what ever you set your mind to. The final and concluding characteristic that a creative person can have is to be lucky and it is a big part of what you do because no matter how hard you try to get a new and brilliant idea or even crazy idea, if it does not hit you in that second provably it will never hit you at least in that precious moment that you are trying so hard.

With this five characteristics Isaac Asimov drives his entire essay of "Those crazy ideas" and makes you think in the possibility that may be you are not capable of making all this great ideas. What I think is that no matter where you are or even where are you from, looking at your background or family structure you can be what ever you set your mind to be and trust me you could make it real, I am a vivid prove of what I am saying. Provably if you are not that smart but good at the arts you are going to succeed no matter how hard life turns to be at the end of the road what ever you think you are good for you are probably going to be successful.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reaction to “My daily dives in the dumpster” by Lars Eighner

There has been at least 4 times that a person has told me that you can know a person intimacy because of what you find in their trash. With this essay it is obvious that we do not realize how many thing we have in our house that could be useful for other people that is not a fortunate as we are, some things that we throw away are eatable and others are used to give nutrients to the land. I remember when I was a little girl that I heated to go to my grandma’s house because she cooked with thing that expired the day before. Now that I grow up I did some research that proves that some food can go even for 1 whole year without getting damage. It is very irresponsible from my own point of view that some people are not realizing what a damage we are doing to this planet by throwing away some things that some day will be use full, or even buying things that we really do not need.

This days it is a shame what is predicted to happen and we are part of it, so every time that you see a person going trough your dumpster do not be afraid may be he or she is a person that we can learned a lot from.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reaction to " Television Adiction" by Marie Winn.

As Marie Winn says the word “addiction” is something that is used very loosely and it should not be used that often also. On her essay she addresses the topic of television addiction as some thing very serious like alcohol addiction or even drug abuse; why do you think she is comparing T.V to things as harmful as does? Well I think I have the answer. Does addictions create a very pleasant experience when they are noticeable by the human body and creates a discomfort where they are not present, the same thing happens with the T.V. when the T.V addict is watching his favorites channels is something that creates pleasure to him and when it is off is a necessity to have the T.V back on.

Having that on mind you can assure that, as a T.V addiction is also very hard to turn it off that is why it consumes the majority of your time. On my personal case I love T.V unfortunately I grew up with the era of the reality T.V and I love shows of fashion and chefs and all that ordinary stuff, that with the magic of television the channel transforms does things in something amazing that you can not stop from watching and when it is over an other great show just appears on T.V, what can you do? The people that are working for does channels are brilliant....

I consider my self a T.V addict, some of the programs that I watch are "T.V trash" but other are very interesting, so I am not filling my head with none sense. To be fare I am also addict to books so I have a very addictive personality, in conclusion. Some day when I start working (all the time, not like today that I work 20 hours) I will have to control does addictions and be able to manage does two monsters, but for now I am keeping up a good rhythm between classes, shopping, boyfriend, family, books and T.V.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Reaction to " Affirmative Action: The Price of Preference" by Shelby Steele

Two decades after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This professor has a very difficult decision to make. Should she take advantage of affirmative action? Every time a question about discrimination arises into the game of life, there is always going to be a winner and a loser. But in the case of Affirmative Action she is feeling as a winner and a loser, both at the same time.

What about if any other black kid with more necessities than her kids, needs it? Or, if a woman or a Hispanic needs it? But what about her, about her kids and their future? There are a lot of ways to confront this situation and I think that she does it on a way that makes me feel that the minorities are segregating themselves.

What I mean by this is that, we minorities are all the time looking for a way to segregate our selves and I am not saying this on a bad way, it is more on a way of thinking, of analyzing our behavior. We are all humans and in some way or an other when we really try to get along we can turn to be even the best friends. So what I really think of affirmative action is that: it is a way of segregating our selves and after all that pain that was caused by our ancestors and all the suffering people had to pass, Why are we still segregating?.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reaction to "I have a dream" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the most famous speeches of all times, “I Have a Dream” shows humanity the inequalities that we have. Most of the time we talked among ourselves that we should live in a place surrounded by people that equal than us, and how cool would it be to not pay attention to discrimination. Now days we can experience discrimination even a little because where we are.

Here in Miami, the majority of the population is Latin, Hispanic even blacks I think is a majority above whites. Unfortunately we deal with discrimination every day by the little amount of people that are still part of Miami. Also between Hispanics we tend to discriminated or even hate some other Hispanic cultures. I have a dream to, the dream that all humans would be equal and will help each other to succeed in life, which no matter how far the others are humanity finds a way to help them in their pain.

I think that all of us have a dream, that it is not a dream I call it a reality in progress, because I know that if we set our minds to something, even something good, that dream could become in no time a very pleasant reality.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reaction to "Cultural Baggage" by Barbara Ehrenreich.

I think that everybody has a past, and may be that past is nothing. On the essay "Cultural Baggage" by Barbara Ehrenreich we can understand the different point of views that each person has about their back ground. Some people will question the idea of not having a background as something very weird or even impossible, but they are completely wrong. There are different ways to prove to you that you have a past and if you have a past you also have a cultural baggage; that means that you have something to give to your children.
In my family we are Catholics, my mom and I don't go to church very often and my mom does not like the "fathers”, anyways she calls herself a catholic, I do to. My kids will be raised by the catholic tradition and I guess my husband would have to share my traditions to. But what happens when I don’t have a religion or even a tradition? Well Barbara shows that even not having a religion does not mean that you don’t have any culture you actually created a new tradition and transport that to your kids. The "none" culture.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reaction to " The Holocaust" by Bruno Bettelheim.

Writer and Psychologist Bruno Bettelheim was a survivor of the concentration camps in Dachau and Auschwitz during The Holocaust. What Bruno says on his essay "The Holocaust" is that the words that people give to things as horrible as the Holocaust are just “made up” words that separate the reality with the emotional impact that they could have. As he said that this words, quote: " ... Separates the intellectual from the emotional experience." This catastrophe was something that no body will never understand and comprehend until the end of time. The strong feelings that you can express when you realized that this happen because of race issues and you can understand how bad humans can turn to be is very scary. So making some words to make them more likable is very understandable.

Unfortunately there is always a solution in life for everything no matter what, there is always a way to divide what you learn and study and keep in your memory from what you feel and do not express. That is what Brunno wants to let everybody know, apart that showing how far a religious person can go to preserve and maintain there position towards their fate. How different is what we know from what we see and what we know from what we feel.

Reaction to " College Pressures" by William Zinsser

There are tons of ways that we, college students, deal with pressure. Just for start it is impossible to pay everything up front and more if you are a low-income family. There are things in life that leave no choice to the kid to than to start taking loans since the first semester that there are on school. The textbooks are super expensive, the tuition is impossible and don’t get me started talking about credits, and price per each one of them is very high. Poor Medicine majors!!!

Why is it so hard to actually go to school, is it that the government does not want us to be successful? The money is on the war? Really, they have to give us some very good answers, because this way of going to school is not working out.

If the financial pressure wasn’t enough family pressure is always there, in my personal case there is only one way that I can explain what I am doing to avoid my moms pressure, and it is something that I recommend every body should do when they want to get rid of the famous phrase "you are going to be poor for ever if you choose that carrier path". Well if your carrier as an artist, a philosopher or a ballerina does not sound that good to your parents, do a minor or do a double or even a triple major there is no way that doing their favorite carriers, Medicine, Law... It has to stop us to do what we love, trust me there is always a way to do what ever you want.

Third and final point that I would like to call is the peer and self-induced pressure, meaning that no matter how hard you try sometimes you will be the best and sometimes you will not. Don't let that idea put you down there are more things in life that you can do to prove yourself. Now every body can see how hard really is to be a college student, it is fun sometimes but the majority of the time it is more than partying and friends for ever, it is stress every single time of the day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reaction to "Cinematypes" By Susan Allen Toth

I believe the films are something very personal. There are no two people that would always like the same movie for the same reasons. In the essay “Cinematypes” by Susan Allen Toth, we can experiment the discomfort that is going to the movies with a companion that at least does not share the same ideas, or notions or at least likes the title of the movie that you are about to see. With each one of the guys, the characters, you feel super weird; she projects an idea of not knowing what to do or to think because the horrible situation she is placed on. More than that she always s expects more from them and without any notice she is always left behind.

I think that I would try as many times as possible to find the perfect partner to go to the movies, or at least have an agreement, because even with my boyfriend it is impossible to go to a movie that we both like or at least enjoy. What we do, and what I recommend everybody to do, is to share the options. One day you choose the movie and the other day he will choose the movie. At least that is the only way that we get along, and take my advice we have been together for 3 years. IT DOES WORK!!! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Reaction to "Why we crave Horror movies" by Stephen King

Stephen King is consider by some the master of Horror fiction. But for me is the guy that showed me why some people like scary or horror movies. Well I say some because I hate horror films, I get so nervous that I start crying or even worst I fainted (trust me it could happen). I am also afraid of the dark so I need to see certain light anywhere I go because, if I don’t see light that would make me feel super insecure and freak me out.

On the essay Mr. King tells the reader that he thinks that “we are all mentally ill”, meaning that we pay for something that is consider bad; like seeing a murder or torture people, (Really you need to be more then crazy to like that type of feeling) Could you imagine that, God fore bits the person that you see in the movie is any body close to you, or it is you; I would DIE just to imagine my mom or my boyfriend in one of Mr. King books or films, as a character.

Finally not only I will never pay to go and be scared by something that for sure will not let me sleep, but I will never say that being scared is something fun. May be my mental illness is to be freaked out by horror movies that everybody sees as normal films.

Reaction to " Neat People vs. Sloppy People" by Suzanne Britt

The funniest essay that I have ever read. Suzanne is great, she actually describe the personality of a Neat person from the perspective of a sloppy person, perfectly fine. On the essay “Neat people vs. Sloppy people" Suzanne makes you laugh since the beginning of the essay until the end of it. No matter what type of person reads it, I know for fact that they are going to have a great time reading it.

On the description of a sloppy person I could not be more in favor of all the good things that she says they are, but I am a very, very, very, very neat person my best friend always freaks out when I am around here because she says that I am to perfectionist and nothing is out of place. So I do share Suzanne point of view that we are kind of mean or at least less patient that sloppy people. It is very funny how a sloppy person can describe in that detailed way, how her opposite is. And how being in the middle of both worlds, she can still express why she prefers to be sloppy than a neat and control freak.

To conclude I totally recommend the essay: it is funny; you will be amazed how she writes and makes you think of your own way of life. I think that as soon as you finish reading the essay you will have the perfect idea of what you are and what side are you going to take.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Reaction to " How to give orders like a man" by Deborah Tannen

There is always two ways to talk to people and how you should express yourself. In the essay "How to give orders like a man" by Deborah Tannen she express her concern with the multiples ways the world has on the way people talk. Around the world we can find different cultures that talk to each other on a direct or indirect form. In Japan people who are on a higher position decided how they want to express themselves to other people and if they would be direct or indirect depending the way the person’s character.

For example there is an example of a Japanese director of a private school here in America, that talks to her secretary on an indirect form, but without giving any please and thank you. He said to her that he tried to print a picture in black and white and in the place where he went to make the copy they could not do it. I guess what he was trying to say was that he needs her to make the copy and give him the black and white photo as soon as possible. How confusing?

In America we are not exempt of the indirect communication, "Many Americans find it evident that directness is logical and aligned with power while indirectness is akin to dishonesty and reflects subservience." (Deborah Tannen, How to give orders like a man). Fortunately that is not always true there is another example that Deborah gives on her essay; there is a business women that is the president of a company and talks to her secretary on an indirect form, that makes her look for some people as a weak president and others sees her as the sweetest boss ever.

Finally, the only way that I can see that all the cultures united is by saying that every person has to choose how they want to talk to others, just take care to do it with respect and being polite.

Reaction to "Why Don't We Complain?" by William F. Buckley, Jr.

How many times do you think that you feel you should say something about something but you don't speak up, because there is a feeling inside you that don't let you talk. "Why don't we complain?" by William F. Burckley, Jr. Is and illustration and example essay that shows the different reasons why we, the people, do not complain. The first example that he gives us is the heat that is inside of a train where he is at and outside is very very very cold. He starts his complain to the conductor of the train but as soon as he starts talking the person that was near him looks at him as if he was committing a crime. Of course after this incident he stops and goes back to his seat and stays quiet.

I think that here in Miami there have been a lot of times that I have felt the same way; there are some places that put the air conditioner very cold, and outside is around 90 degrees. Nobody complains and if somebody does the rest of the people will turn to him and will make him feel really bad. Burckley says that people do not speak up because "... we are afraid that our cause is in just, or that is ambiguous, or maybe it is too trivial to justify the horrors of a confrontation with authority ..." and I think he is completely right, a lot of times I don't think that I should say something because I assume that it is not important and nobody will care about.

Another example that Burckley gives on the essay " Why don't we complain?" is the one where he is on a "Home Depot" store type, and he has being standing on a line just to get one screwdriver and there are two employees right in front of it talking. So he finally decided to speak up and tells them if they can be nice and give him a screwdriver; the funny part is that the employee turns around and says to him “I am not supposed to move. I have just had a heart attack.” So everybody turn around and he felt horrible. So my question in this case is: So, when is it right to speak up and when we should be quite?

Well I guess that we should be quite because by transforming our self’s in people without emotions or feelings and just act like robots, have a lot of apathy, and just don't care, will give us the certainty that nobody will judge us. Or just keep writing on the complain or suggestion cards everywhere we go.

Reaction to "Marrying Absurd" by Joan Didion

A girl dreams about her wedding since the day she buys her first Barbie doll and her first Kent. No matter how different every girl is we always want to have this perfectly awesome wedding where you are the center of attention and everybody dies to be you. In "Marrying Absurd" by Joan Didion we can experience how different a wedding can be from one to another and how many people choose to get married in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas as everybody knows has being categorized as the place with the fastest weddings; a wedding could take between 10 to 30 minutes, whatever the couple decides. Also you can get married by Elvis, the king of Rock and Roll, or the priest of preference. This magical moment is being transformed every day in respect to the bride and groom decisions.

The final point that the author, Joan Didion, leaves to the reader is that everything is being commercialized even weddings and something as personal and important as your wedding day should take you more time to think about and plan it the way you really want to. It does not matter if your dream is to have a Vegas wedding just think about it before you do something you will regret in your future.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reaction to "A Chase" by Annie Dillards

On the narrative: "A Chase" , by Annie Dillard, there are many things that makes me feel I am the main character in the story. She is a girl that is very good playing with the boys, I was like that growing up.

I grew up in a family full of boys, I was the only girl around.I was always playing soccer, basketball, and getting into the mud (that was the fun stuff). Like the main character I was always doing things that will get me into trouble, but my parents never found out, well... at least that is what I think. The girl in the narrative "A Chase" is so into the pursue that the guy gives them, that she knows that if she hesitates she will be stuck in something that she does not want to be in. In my own point of view she is the type of girl that is not afraid of anything; that admires the way this "grown up" is , the way he does not care if the race is going to be long or if is just going to be more than he wanted. She impressed that not only kids never give up but some "grown ups" never give up to.

It is amazing how many things we can learn from kids, and I also agree that we could learn from our past by thinking the way we did when we where little ones.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life are moments.

There are many definitions of life, according to the web page www.dictionary.com Life is: "The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally."

Well for me Life is more than a scientific explanation of how I breath or reproduce, or any other function that my body has. For Daniella Gomez a particular person on earth, life has a total different meaning, life are moments put all together to transform the day into something wonderful, something that makes us have different types of feelings and emotions.
Life are moments of joy, sadness, of being angry, feeling smart , falling in love, eating, sleeping, confusion, sickness happiness ...

Life is the most amazing gift that any body could have, and it does not matter if you had a bad day because your life continues and probably next day the moments that you will live will be great.

P.S: Remember that what you do today is going to create what is going to happen tomorrow.