Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reaction to " College Pressures" by William Zinsser

There are tons of ways that we, college students, deal with pressure. Just for start it is impossible to pay everything up front and more if you are a low-income family. There are things in life that leave no choice to the kid to than to start taking loans since the first semester that there are on school. The textbooks are super expensive, the tuition is impossible and don’t get me started talking about credits, and price per each one of them is very high. Poor Medicine majors!!!

Why is it so hard to actually go to school, is it that the government does not want us to be successful? The money is on the war? Really, they have to give us some very good answers, because this way of going to school is not working out.

If the financial pressure wasn’t enough family pressure is always there, in my personal case there is only one way that I can explain what I am doing to avoid my moms pressure, and it is something that I recommend every body should do when they want to get rid of the famous phrase "you are going to be poor for ever if you choose that carrier path". Well if your carrier as an artist, a philosopher or a ballerina does not sound that good to your parents, do a minor or do a double or even a triple major there is no way that doing their favorite carriers, Medicine, Law... It has to stop us to do what we love, trust me there is always a way to do what ever you want.

Third and final point that I would like to call is the peer and self-induced pressure, meaning that no matter how hard you try sometimes you will be the best and sometimes you will not. Don't let that idea put you down there are more things in life that you can do to prove yourself. Now every body can see how hard really is to be a college student, it is fun sometimes but the majority of the time it is more than partying and friends for ever, it is stress every single time of the day.

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