Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reaction to " The Holocaust" by Bruno Bettelheim.

Writer and Psychologist Bruno Bettelheim was a survivor of the concentration camps in Dachau and Auschwitz during The Holocaust. What Bruno says on his essay "The Holocaust" is that the words that people give to things as horrible as the Holocaust are just “made up” words that separate the reality with the emotional impact that they could have. As he said that this words, quote: " ... Separates the intellectual from the emotional experience." This catastrophe was something that no body will never understand and comprehend until the end of time. The strong feelings that you can express when you realized that this happen because of race issues and you can understand how bad humans can turn to be is very scary. So making some words to make them more likable is very understandable.

Unfortunately there is always a solution in life for everything no matter what, there is always a way to divide what you learn and study and keep in your memory from what you feel and do not express. That is what Brunno wants to let everybody know, apart that showing how far a religious person can go to preserve and maintain there position towards their fate. How different is what we know from what we see and what we know from what we feel.

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