Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reaction to " Television Adiction" by Marie Winn.

As Marie Winn says the word “addiction” is something that is used very loosely and it should not be used that often also. On her essay she addresses the topic of television addiction as some thing very serious like alcohol addiction or even drug abuse; why do you think she is comparing T.V to things as harmful as does? Well I think I have the answer. Does addictions create a very pleasant experience when they are noticeable by the human body and creates a discomfort where they are not present, the same thing happens with the T.V. when the T.V addict is watching his favorites channels is something that creates pleasure to him and when it is off is a necessity to have the T.V back on.

Having that on mind you can assure that, as a T.V addiction is also very hard to turn it off that is why it consumes the majority of your time. On my personal case I love T.V unfortunately I grew up with the era of the reality T.V and I love shows of fashion and chefs and all that ordinary stuff, that with the magic of television the channel transforms does things in something amazing that you can not stop from watching and when it is over an other great show just appears on T.V, what can you do? The people that are working for does channels are brilliant....

I consider my self a T.V addict, some of the programs that I watch are "T.V trash" but other are very interesting, so I am not filling my head with none sense. To be fare I am also addict to books so I have a very addictive personality, in conclusion. Some day when I start working (all the time, not like today that I work 20 hours) I will have to control does addictions and be able to manage does two monsters, but for now I am keeping up a good rhythm between classes, shopping, boyfriend, family, books and T.V.

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