Monday, April 14, 2008

Reaction to “My daily dives in the dumpster” by Lars Eighner

There has been at least 4 times that a person has told me that you can know a person intimacy because of what you find in their trash. With this essay it is obvious that we do not realize how many thing we have in our house that could be useful for other people that is not a fortunate as we are, some things that we throw away are eatable and others are used to give nutrients to the land. I remember when I was a little girl that I heated to go to my grandma’s house because she cooked with thing that expired the day before. Now that I grow up I did some research that proves that some food can go even for 1 whole year without getting damage. It is very irresponsible from my own point of view that some people are not realizing what a damage we are doing to this planet by throwing away some things that some day will be use full, or even buying things that we really do not need.

This days it is a shame what is predicted to happen and we are part of it, so every time that you see a person going trough your dumpster do not be afraid may be he or she is a person that we can learned a lot from.

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