Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Reaction to " Neat People vs. Sloppy People" by Suzanne Britt

The funniest essay that I have ever read. Suzanne is great, she actually describe the personality of a Neat person from the perspective of a sloppy person, perfectly fine. On the essay “Neat people vs. Sloppy people" Suzanne makes you laugh since the beginning of the essay until the end of it. No matter what type of person reads it, I know for fact that they are going to have a great time reading it.

On the description of a sloppy person I could not be more in favor of all the good things that she says they are, but I am a very, very, very, very neat person my best friend always freaks out when I am around here because she says that I am to perfectionist and nothing is out of place. So I do share Suzanne point of view that we are kind of mean or at least less patient that sloppy people. It is very funny how a sloppy person can describe in that detailed way, how her opposite is. And how being in the middle of both worlds, she can still express why she prefers to be sloppy than a neat and control freak.

To conclude I totally recommend the essay: it is funny; you will be amazed how she writes and makes you think of your own way of life. I think that as soon as you finish reading the essay you will have the perfect idea of what you are and what side are you going to take.

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