Thursday, March 27, 2008

Reaction to " Affirmative Action: The Price of Preference" by Shelby Steele

Two decades after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This professor has a very difficult decision to make. Should she take advantage of affirmative action? Every time a question about discrimination arises into the game of life, there is always going to be a winner and a loser. But in the case of Affirmative Action she is feeling as a winner and a loser, both at the same time.

What about if any other black kid with more necessities than her kids, needs it? Or, if a woman or a Hispanic needs it? But what about her, about her kids and their future? There are a lot of ways to confront this situation and I think that she does it on a way that makes me feel that the minorities are segregating themselves.

What I mean by this is that, we minorities are all the time looking for a way to segregate our selves and I am not saying this on a bad way, it is more on a way of thinking, of analyzing our behavior. We are all humans and in some way or an other when we really try to get along we can turn to be even the best friends. So what I really think of affirmative action is that: it is a way of segregating our selves and after all that pain that was caused by our ancestors and all the suffering people had to pass, Why are we still segregating?.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reaction to "I have a dream" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the most famous speeches of all times, “I Have a Dream” shows humanity the inequalities that we have. Most of the time we talked among ourselves that we should live in a place surrounded by people that equal than us, and how cool would it be to not pay attention to discrimination. Now days we can experience discrimination even a little because where we are.

Here in Miami, the majority of the population is Latin, Hispanic even blacks I think is a majority above whites. Unfortunately we deal with discrimination every day by the little amount of people that are still part of Miami. Also between Hispanics we tend to discriminated or even hate some other Hispanic cultures. I have a dream to, the dream that all humans would be equal and will help each other to succeed in life, which no matter how far the others are humanity finds a way to help them in their pain.

I think that all of us have a dream, that it is not a dream I call it a reality in progress, because I know that if we set our minds to something, even something good, that dream could become in no time a very pleasant reality.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reaction to "Cultural Baggage" by Barbara Ehrenreich.

I think that everybody has a past, and may be that past is nothing. On the essay "Cultural Baggage" by Barbara Ehrenreich we can understand the different point of views that each person has about their back ground. Some people will question the idea of not having a background as something very weird or even impossible, but they are completely wrong. There are different ways to prove to you that you have a past and if you have a past you also have a cultural baggage; that means that you have something to give to your children.
In my family we are Catholics, my mom and I don't go to church very often and my mom does not like the "fathers”, anyways she calls herself a catholic, I do to. My kids will be raised by the catholic tradition and I guess my husband would have to share my traditions to. But what happens when I don’t have a religion or even a tradition? Well Barbara shows that even not having a religion does not mean that you don’t have any culture you actually created a new tradition and transport that to your kids. The "none" culture.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reaction to " The Holocaust" by Bruno Bettelheim.

Writer and Psychologist Bruno Bettelheim was a survivor of the concentration camps in Dachau and Auschwitz during The Holocaust. What Bruno says on his essay "The Holocaust" is that the words that people give to things as horrible as the Holocaust are just “made up” words that separate the reality with the emotional impact that they could have. As he said that this words, quote: " ... Separates the intellectual from the emotional experience." This catastrophe was something that no body will never understand and comprehend until the end of time. The strong feelings that you can express when you realized that this happen because of race issues and you can understand how bad humans can turn to be is very scary. So making some words to make them more likable is very understandable.

Unfortunately there is always a solution in life for everything no matter what, there is always a way to divide what you learn and study and keep in your memory from what you feel and do not express. That is what Brunno wants to let everybody know, apart that showing how far a religious person can go to preserve and maintain there position towards their fate. How different is what we know from what we see and what we know from what we feel.

Reaction to " College Pressures" by William Zinsser

There are tons of ways that we, college students, deal with pressure. Just for start it is impossible to pay everything up front and more if you are a low-income family. There are things in life that leave no choice to the kid to than to start taking loans since the first semester that there are on school. The textbooks are super expensive, the tuition is impossible and don’t get me started talking about credits, and price per each one of them is very high. Poor Medicine majors!!!

Why is it so hard to actually go to school, is it that the government does not want us to be successful? The money is on the war? Really, they have to give us some very good answers, because this way of going to school is not working out.

If the financial pressure wasn’t enough family pressure is always there, in my personal case there is only one way that I can explain what I am doing to avoid my moms pressure, and it is something that I recommend every body should do when they want to get rid of the famous phrase "you are going to be poor for ever if you choose that carrier path". Well if your carrier as an artist, a philosopher or a ballerina does not sound that good to your parents, do a minor or do a double or even a triple major there is no way that doing their favorite carriers, Medicine, Law... It has to stop us to do what we love, trust me there is always a way to do what ever you want.

Third and final point that I would like to call is the peer and self-induced pressure, meaning that no matter how hard you try sometimes you will be the best and sometimes you will not. Don't let that idea put you down there are more things in life that you can do to prove yourself. Now every body can see how hard really is to be a college student, it is fun sometimes but the majority of the time it is more than partying and friends for ever, it is stress every single time of the day.