Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reaction to "A Chase" by Annie Dillards

On the narrative: "A Chase" , by Annie Dillard, there are many things that makes me feel I am the main character in the story. She is a girl that is very good playing with the boys, I was like that growing up.

I grew up in a family full of boys, I was the only girl around.I was always playing soccer, basketball, and getting into the mud (that was the fun stuff). Like the main character I was always doing things that will get me into trouble, but my parents never found out, well... at least that is what I think. The girl in the narrative "A Chase" is so into the pursue that the guy gives them, that she knows that if she hesitates she will be stuck in something that she does not want to be in. In my own point of view she is the type of girl that is not afraid of anything; that admires the way this "grown up" is , the way he does not care if the race is going to be long or if is just going to be more than he wanted. She impressed that not only kids never give up but some "grown ups" never give up to.

It is amazing how many things we can learn from kids, and I also agree that we could learn from our past by thinking the way we did when we where little ones.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life are moments.

There are many definitions of life, according to the web page www.dictionary.com Life is: "The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally."

Well for me Life is more than a scientific explanation of how I breath or reproduce, or any other function that my body has. For Daniella Gomez a particular person on earth, life has a total different meaning, life are moments put all together to transform the day into something wonderful, something that makes us have different types of feelings and emotions.
Life are moments of joy, sadness, of being angry, feeling smart , falling in love, eating, sleeping, confusion, sickness happiness ...

Life is the most amazing gift that any body could have, and it does not matter if you had a bad day because your life continues and probably next day the moments that you will live will be great.

P.S: Remember that what you do today is going to create what is going to happen tomorrow.